Create A Request


Code Enforcement

Report problems such as Overgrown Grass/Weeds, Prohibited Signs, Noise Complaint, Junk Vehicles.

Street and Alley Maintenance

Report Potholes, Request Street Sweeping, Street and Alley Clean up, Guardrail Repair

City Parks and Urban Trails

Report City Owned Parks and Urban Trail concerns such as Mowing, Trash Accumulation, Damaged Restrooms, Spinkler Problems, and Refill of Pet Waste Bags


Report Graffiti on City Property including Parks

Property, Zoning and Permit Concerns

Report Permit and Licensing Concerns, Tenant Problems, Land or Home use Violations

Sidewalk Issue

Report Sidewalk Obstruction, Repair or Gap

Traffic Light or Sign

CALL 911 TO REPORT A DANGEROUS OR EMERGENCY SITUATION. Report problems with Crosswalk, Road Striping, School Flashers, Street Hump, Street Light, Street Name Sign, Traffic Sign, Traffic Circle/Roundabout.

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